Juliana Leone

Staff Engineer | Highway & Traffic

Juliana Leone is a Staff Engineer in the Highway & Traffic Department at FPA’s Headquarters in Wall, NJ. She primarily provides highway design, traffic engineering, and construction inspection services. She is experienced in the design of roadway resurfacing, traffic safety improvements, and ADA-compliance upgrades.
Juliana Leone
Staff Engineer
Highway & Traffic

Juliana Leone is a Staff Engineer in the Highway & Traffic Department at FPA’s Headquarters in Wall, NJ. She primarily provides highway design, traffic engineering, and construction inspection services. She is experienced in the design of roadway resurfacing, traffic safety improvements, and ADA-compliance upgrades.

Can you share a little bit about your journey and what motivated you to become an engineer?

I attended an all-girls high school that was very focused on empowering and showing us the many different paths we can take in life. In my junior year of high school, I took an engineering class where my professor was extremely enthusiastic about getting all of us to become engineers. I knew I wanted to go into a profession which incorporated my favorite subjects, math and science. Being interested in math and science and really enjoying the introduction to engineering class I took in high school, I knew I had wanted to pursue this career path.  The following summer I received an invitation to attend an engineering camp at Manhattan College. The program gave me exposure to the various fields in Engineering. The program was led by Professor Saukin who was a motivational advocate for Engineering. He also played a major role in solidifying my decision to become a Civil Engineer.

Tell me a bit about your experience in school.

It was definitely difficult being a woman in the engineering program. There weren’t many of us. There were a lot of late nights staying up studying. Covid lockdowns occurred in the spring of my sophomore year and lasted into junior year. This presented a challenge to learning as it was during the crucial introduction to the engineering curriculum. Once back to in person learning, I found that I truly enjoyed the completion of the program.

Have you had any influential mentors or role models in your journey as an engineer so far? If so, how have they impacted you?

At the very start of my career my two mentors would be my high school professor, and the professor at Manhattan College that helped me solidify my decision in becoming an engineer. Now as my career has kick started two of my biggest role models are Sara Irick and Michael Drobny. Sara Irick has taken me under her wing since day 1 at this job. Sara has shown nothing but confidence in being a woman in engineering. With her help I am on the board for the ASHE SNJ group which has helped me make connections with other engineers and has been a great learning experience so far. Michael Drobny has shown me that our bosses truly do want what is best for us. Mike is a great manager that fosters growth and development of the staff in his group. He has always been willing to help no matter what questions I throw at him. He has shown confidence in my work that has been done thus far at the company, which has helped me in my development in my position tremendously.

What types of projects are your favorite to work on?

I would say any project where I get to actively be involved in the various stages of the project and being able to see the project from start to finish would be what I prefer.  

What are some of your goals and aspirations for your career?

A short-term goal of my career would be to become more proficient in CAD. Some long-term goals I have is to pass the PE exam and advance my career at FPA.

What do you enjoy most about working at FPA?

The people and the culture. The culture fosters relationships amongst all the staff, regardless of departments. The various sports teams we are involved with, and outings have provided a close-knit community in and out of the office.  

Looking ahead, what excites you most about the future of FPA?

As we continue to grow as a company, I am excited to see what jobs we take on, and to see the wave of young engineers brought in.

What are the most important lessons you’ve learned throughout your career so far or in school?

I’ve learned that it’s always okay to ask questions. Our managers are there to help. They are invested in our growth within FPA as well as the projects themselves. They look to provide us with the experience and tools to continue growing and it is up to us to inform them of our needs. Along with my direct higher ups being available for help, I know that there are many other higher ups within the company that are also willing to help no matter if you are in a different group.

Can you share a fun fact about yourself that your colleagues might not know?

I’ve played volleyball since I was in 6th grade and always enjoyed baking. Prior to engineering, I had always thought I would pursue a career in the culinary arts industry.