Water and Wastewater Engineering
Water and Wastewater Engineering
French & Parrello Associates’ (FPA) Water & Wastewater team provide the engineering, design, planning and construction oversight for vital water and wastewater infrastructure projects. These projects include infrastructure that is needed for water supply, treatment, storage, transmission, and distribution, as well as that needed for wastewater collection, pumping and conveyance, treatment, and discharge, including handling and disposal of residuals.
Meeting the challenge of water and wastewater management requires a careful balance of managing cost, energy use, operational ease, and maintenance efficiency while also incorporating sustainability, resilience, and adaptability to climate change, and other local and global threats. FPA serves clients across many sectors and routinely considers energy use, project complexity, operational efficiency, sustainable design, and resiliency. For municipalities, successful water quality and wastewater management requires a reliable collection and conveyance network of piping and pumping systems.
Asset Management & Condition-Based Assessments
Feasibility Studies
Water/Wastewater Master Planning & Modeling
Engineering Design
Regulatory Compliance & Permitting
Construction Management & Resident Observation
Program Management
Water & Wastewater Project Experience
Water Transmission & Distribution Systems
Water Treatment
Water Supply Development
Water Booster Pump Stations
Water Storage Tanks
Trenchless Technology & Infrastructure Rehabilitation
Wastewater Collection, Pumping & Conveyance
Wastewater Treatment
Water/Wastewater Reuse