Oakcrest High School
Oakcrest High School
French & Parrello Associates (FPA) was retained by FVHD Architects and Planners to design a new synthetic turf multi-purpose sports field, new tennis courts, new ADA parking areas and pedestrian walkway improvements, and running track improvements, at Oakcrest High School, located in Hamilton Township, New Jersey.
The new synthetic field replaced the existing grass football field. FPA’s site engineering services included multi-sports field layout and field marking design, grading design, and subsurface stormwater management system design. Moreover, the running track improvements spanned over the long jump/triple jump, pole vault, and high jump areas in addition to the running track itself. For this phase of the project, FPA’s site engineering services included running track layout and track events striping design, grading design, and reconstruction and design of the long jump/triple jump, pole vault, and high jump areas. Additionally, FPA provided grading and striping layout services for the reconstruction of the existing tennis courts; there are now six new tennis courts with a new playing surface and equipment.
Finally, FPA designed new ADA compliant parking areas at the new synthetic turf field stadium and existing baseball field areas, in addition to the replacement and expansion of pedestrian walkways throughout the campus.
Site Engineering
Stormwater Management
Bid Preparation
Construction Monitoring and Administration