FPA Plays in Manasquan Beach Volleyball League

Employees of French & Parrello Associates (FPA) participate in the Gee-Gee’s Beach Volleyball League on Manasquan Beach! Each summer, FPA staff members come together, forming several teams to enjoy weekly beach volleyball matches. This league provides a fantastic opportunity for colleagues to connect outside of the office! The FPA Volleyball Teams kicked off the 2024 […]

FPA Recognizes World Environment Day

World Environment Day is celebrated annually on June 5th to raise awareness and encourage action to protect our environment. 2024’s theme is hashtag#GenerationRestoration, focusing on land restoration, desertification and drought resilience. Engineering plays a crucial role in addressing some of the world’s most pressing environmental challenges. On this World Environment Day, we celebrate the ingenuity […]

FPA Wins Multiple NJSPE Awards

We are thrilled to announce that the New Jersey Society of Professional Engineers (NJSPE) has honored French & Parrello Associates’ (FPA) with two awards for 2024. President and CEO Steven Tardy, PE, earned the 2024 Distinguished Engineering Service Award. This award honors a distinguished professional engineer for meritorious service to the Engineering profession. Steve began his career over 30 […]